[Chris Lasher]
#- I have a rather large (100+ MB) FASTA file from which I need to
#- access records in a random order. The FASTA format is a
#- standard format
#- for storing molecular biological sequences. Each record contains a
#- header line for describing the sequence that begins with a '>'
#- (right-angle bracket) followed by lines that contain the actual
#- sequence data. Three example FASTA records are below:
#- >CW127_A01
#- >CW127_A02
#- >CW127_A03
#- ...
I think of two ways. If you have enough memory you could load everything in memory, each record as the element of a list, and then access randomly to the list.
If you want to keep the memory usage low, you can parse the file once and store in a list the byte position where the record starts and ends. Then access the list randomly and read each record with seek() and read().
. Facundo
Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/
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