Peter Maas wrote:
Charlton Wilbur schrieb:

"XL" == Xah Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

XL> i'll cross post to comp.lang.perl.misc and comp.lang.python. XL> If you spot mistakes, feel free to correct or discourse here.

Error #1: crossposting to those two groups. (Error #2 is implying that you're a Perl expert, but someone else
already pointed that out.)

Xah Lee is the guy who used to fight Unixism some time ago thereby
producing an extremly long and useless thread in this group. Now
he's fighting Perl :) Please stop answering him if you don't want
to waste your time.

With terms such as "blabbering Unix donkeys" and "sloppy perl monkeys" Xah's articles are very entertaining. He has some valid points as well... he just presents them in anti-social ways.

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