Hi Baza,

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:32:50 +0000, Baza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for any books or on-line resources on game programming using
> Python. Does anyone have any advice?

You're probably beyond this book, however, for other newbies like moi
checking this thread in future,  I started with:

"Python Programming for the absolute beginner"
By Michael Dawson
(Premier Press- www.premierpressbooks.com. ISBN: 1-59200-073-8)

It's a great read and easy to follow, but more importantly in this
instance, one learns Python by creating games (and then you can put
this knowledge to use elsewhere). It comes with a CD that has Python
2.2.3, Pygame 1.5.6 and Livewires 2.0, the source code for the
projects in the book, & useful links (as well as The Gimp for Windows
and a demo version of the Cool Edit Pro multitrack recording studio).



# Living & loving in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Kia ora Kiwis!

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