BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think it would be cool if you could refer to instance variables
>without prefixing with "self." I know noone else thinks like me so
>Python will never be changed, but maybe you can already do it with
>Python today?
>.import sys
>.def magic():
>.    s = ""
>.    for var in sys._getframe(1).f_locals["self"].__dict__:
>.        s += var + " = self." + var + "\n"
>.    return s
>.class A:
>.    def __init__(self):
>.        self.hi = "yo"
>.    def meth(self):
>.        exec(magic())
>.        print hi
>.a = A()
>It works! exec(magic()) does the needed hi = self.hi. 

Does it?

class A:
   def __init__(self):
       self.hi = "yo"

   def meth(self):
       print hi
       hi = "baby"
       print hi

   def other(self):
       print hi

a = A()

That's way too fragile to be useful.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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