On 4 Jan 2005 14:33:34 -0800, "John Machin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>(b) Fast forwarding 30+ years, let's look at the dictionary method,
>assuming you have enough memory to hold all your data at once:
>Step 1: read the "left" table; for each row, if english not in mydict,
>then do mydict[english] = MyObject(). In any case, do
>Step 2: same for the "right" table.
>Step 3: for english, obj in mydict.iteritems(): process(english, obj)

>As your datasets are stored in MS Excel spreadsheets, N < 64K so
>whether your solution is O(N) or O(N*log(N)) doesn't matter too much.
>You are however correct to avoid O(N**2) solutions.

Following advice of two posters here (thanks) I have written two
versions of  the same program, and both of them work, but the
difference in speed is drastic, about 6 seconds vs 190 seconds
for about 15000 of processed records, taken from 2 lists of

I've read "Python Performance Tips" at


..but still don't understand why the difference is so big. 

Both versions use local variables, etc. Both have their
lists initially sorted. Both essentially use a loop with
conditional for comparison, then process the record in the 
same way. The overhead of second version is that it also 
uses cmp() function and two additional integer 
variables - that should not slow the program _so much_.

I have measured the run of snippet 2 with time checkpoints
written to a log (write time delta to log every 200 records),
even made a graph of time deltas in spreadsheet and in fact 
snippet 2 seems after initial slowdown looks exactly linear, 
like  that:

^ (time)
|  /-----------
| /
---------------> (# of records written)

So yes, it would scale to big files. However, why is it so 
frigging slow?! 

# snippet 1, this runs in about 6 seconds
!def prepend(l):
!    map = {}
!    for d in l:
!        key = d['English']
!        map[key] = d
!    return map
!old_map = prepend(oldl)
!new_map = prepend(newl)
!for engphrase in old_map:
!     if engphrase in new_map:
!         o = old_map[engphrase]
!         n = new_map[engphrase]
!         cm.writerow(matchpol(o,n))

# snippet 2, this needs 190 seconds
!while 1:
!    if len(oldl) == 0 or len(newl) == 0:
!        break
!    if oldl[o]['English'] == newl[n]['English']:
!        cm.writerow(matchpol(oldl[o], newl[n]))
!        del oldl[o]
!        del newl[n]
!        o, n = 0, 0
!        continue
!    elif cmp(oldl[o]['English'], newl[n]['English']) < 0:
!        if o == len(oldl):
!            cm.writerow(newl[0])
!            del(newl[0])
!            o, n = 0, 0
!            continue
!        o+=1
!    elif cmp(oldl[o]['English'], newl[n]['English']) > 0:
!        if n == len(newl):
!            cm.writerow(newl[0])
!            del(oldl[0])
!            o, n = 0, 0
!            continue
!        n+=1    

It's a man's life in a Python Programming Association.

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