Robert Brewer wrote:
Irmen de Jong wrote:
Subject says it all;
there's a socket.sendall(), so why no socket.recvall()?
If you call .makefile() and then .read() the _fileobject, you get the
same behavior (only better). Adding recvall would just duplicate that, I
think. But that's desirable IMO.
Hm, I didn't consider makefile(). But I'm not sure if that
works in all cases. Until now, I've been using a loop rather
like the one you posted.
But, as I pointed out earlier, there is the MSG_WAITALL option
on various platforms (Linux for instance).
So instead of sticking it in an explicitly programmed loop
in Python, or using an extension module such as this one:
, I'd rather have a recvall method on the socket object that
essentially uses MSG_WAITALL if available, and uses a
loop construction if not.
I may even write a patch for socketmodule.c right now :-D
--Irmen de Jong