On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 17:41 +0000, Paolino wrote:

> I'd like to catch AttributeError on the module level,so that  I can 
> declare default bindings for useds defore definition.How is this  to be 
> done?Thanks for help.

It cannot be done directly but with a small hack. This is
the idea: 

import sys 

class A: 
    def __getattr__(self,name): 
        if name[:1] != '_': 
            return name
        raise AttributeError(name) 

sys.modules['a'] = A()
import a 
print a.helloworld # will print "helloworld"

Note, that subsequently you can "import a" also
from other modules because the import statement
consults sys.modules.   

This is all a bit bothersome and thus it's often 
easier to just do "from somemod import a" directly
and forget about the above magic. 



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