On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 16:12:54 -0800, Carl Banks wrote:

> Arich Chanachai wrote:
>> But
>> then again, if you don't like C++, you probably won't like Java.
> They
>> can be very different languages, but in my experience, the reasons
> why
>> one does not like C++ is usually due to a quality/flaw that can also
> be
>> found in Java.
> Oh, brother.
> The Zen of Python says that "simple is better than complex" and
> "complex is better than complicated".  Java does pretty well here.  C++
> didn't even get "complicated is better than convoluted" right.  There's
> are a ton of flaws in C++ not found in Java.

Still, Java feels like C++ done right, while being more wrong >:-[


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