Title: RE: Python evolution: Unease

[John Roth]

#- I would like to contribute some documentation to Python.
#- I've got the time, I write quite a bit, etc. I've got fairly
#- strong opinions about some things that need to be documented,
#- (such as all the new style class descriptor stuff from 2.2)
#- and I have relatively little difficulty matching the existing style.
#- However, I don't
#- know TEX, Latex, CVS or Sourceforge. (The latter two are
#- on my "learn sometime soon so I can put PyFIT where it belongs"
#- list.)

The easiest way to contribute with documentation is the following:

1. You found something badly documented.
2. You write/correct the docs as you think they should be.
3. Open a bug in SF and attach your text (just plain text if you don't want to produce something more elaborate).

Of course, for step 3 you need a SF account: that's only five minutes.

.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/

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Muchas Gracias.


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