I am running 2.3 and it's doing the same thing on my computer - except that
I can't even get it to start from the command prompt.

It used to work but after I switched back and forth between 2.3, and 2.4 and
somewhere in between, it stopped working.

I hope somebody on the list would have a clue how to fix this.

"DavidHolt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a problem that I see on two different machines, one running XP
> SP1 and one XP SP 2.
> On both I installed Python 2.4.
> I can't seem to start IDLE. When I try to start it, I get an hourglass
> cursor for a short time then nothing more happens. This happens whether
> I click the IDLE shortcut or click the pythonw.exe directly, or attempt
> to launch pythonw from a command line.
> I don't have any trouble running the python command line version.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> David Holt
> Software Developer
> HighJump Software, a 3M Company


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