Christophe Cavalaria wrote:

>> Hello All,
>> I am trying to convince my client to use Python in his new product.
>> He is worried about the license issues. Can somebody there to point
>> me any good commercial applications developed using python ?. The
>> licence clearly says Python can be used for commercial applications.
>> Is there any other implications like that of GPL to make the source
>> open ? Thanks for any help. eeykay

> Troika games use Python in their games. It seems you can even get the
> source .py files for Vampires: Bloodlines :)

Absolutely - it's a slightly modified version of 2.1.2. Troika also used
Python for the Temple of Elemental Evil.

I even compiled psyco to work with Bloodlines and modified the .py
source to call it - worked perfectly well, but didn't give me any
significant performance improvement :( I'm CPU limited, so I thought it
was worth a try.

I'm wondering if I can hack Python 2.4 into Bloodlines ... the biggest
problem is that Bloodlines used .vpk files for packaging, and I believe
the major modifications to 2.1 are to allow these to be read. I've
already extracted all of these though ...

Anyway, back to the original question:

Tim Delaney

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