In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mark Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: . . . >Don't start me! Dammit, too late ... > >I've noticed that they have an overwhelming obsession with GUIs, too. >They design wizards for everything. Damn pretty they are, too. Albeit a >bit flakey. They seem to conflate pretty interfaces with good interfaces >and good software. > >I used to joke that since our software wasn't particularly magical, it >didn't need wizards. But I think I just ended up sounding bitter. > >We once had a bit of software that we thought we'd like to turn into a >generic application. The focus on improvements was, predictably enough, >that we should design a GUI that could do anything a client would likely >to want to do. It was my opinion, though, having seen the very >"special-cases" nature required in the original software, that it was >almost impossible to predict exactly how a customer might want the >product tailored. I suggested that what they really needed was a library >(Python would have been good for this, Lisp might have been even better) >that could be extended as required. GUIs second, functionality first. >But hey, what would I know. Fortunately, the whole thing's been put on >the back burner. > >And trying to get through to them why source control makes sense, that >when more than one person works on a project, some form of coordination >is required, that copying and pasting code is evil, and that Excel >probably isn't the hammer for every nail. > >Honestly, I thought (real) engineers were supposed to be clever.
Let's provisionally assume ignorance rather than unintelligence, if only on the grounds of parsimony. Sympathetic colleagues are available, by the way, at <URL: >. While the Wiki remains *very* quiet, at this point, it's still quite young. The subject you raise is precisely at the middle of part of my excitement about Python's prospects. I'll sketch the pertinent propositions: GUIs are the wrong model; true flexibility involves a domain-specific, well-designed "little language". "Scripting languages" were originally "configuration languages"; return to those roots is only healthy. Scientific and engineering software particularly has been in thrall to the GUI, and deserves rejuve- nation with "scripting". Key to the dynamic of dynamic languages is that they make it cheaper to re-write than to re-use, in some carefully limited sense. I've seen the infatuation for Excel (and so on) for years, but never found it at all tempting myself. I mostly just ignore the issue--no, actually, I guess I give them Excel, but show at the same time that they really want the alternative views that I also provide. --