Title: RE: removing comments form a file

[Noud Aldenhoven]

#- Hello everyone,
#- I was wondering how to remove comments away form a file.

I remade it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import time

helptext = "usage: python rmcomment <oldfile> <newfile> <comment>"

def rmcomment(oldfilename, newfilename, comment):
        start = time.time()
        oldfile = file(oldfilename, 'r')
        newfile = file(newfilename, 'w')
        ccount = 0
        lcount = 0
        for lin in oldfile:
                pos = lin.find(comment)
                if pos != -1:
                        lin = lin[:pos] + "\n"
                        ccount += 1
                lcount += 1
        print "Done... in %.2f seconds\nRemoved comment from %d lines\nWrote %d lines t
o %s" % (time.time()-start , ccount, lcount, newfilename)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        if sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "-help":
                print helptext
                oldfile = sys.argv[1]
                newfile = sys.argv[2]
                comment = sys.argv[3]
                rmcomment(oldfile, newfile, comment)

Some issues:

- Used <> instead of [] in the help text, as square brackets mean optional arguments.
- Eliminated the raw_input, as in these kind of scripts the user *never* expect to have interact input.
- Used file instead of open, to don't read the whole file in memory.

But the real change is inside the for loop.

Testing it:


Hello Fuckin' World //how are you doing today
//I think it delete this sentence and the next sentence too!

But this one not! #Even not this comment

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~> python pru.py ww w2 //
Done... in 0.00 seconds
Removed comment from 2 lines
Wrote 7 lines to w2

Hello Fuckin' World

But this one not! #Even not this comment



.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/

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Muchas Gracias.


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