"Bulba!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello Mr Everyone,
> From:
> http://docs.python.org/tut/node11.html#SECTION0011900000000000000000
> "Define a __iter__() method which returns an object with a next()
> method. If the class defines next(), then __iter__() can just return
> self:"
> The thing is, I tried to define __iter__() directly without explicit
> defining next (after all, the conclusion from this passage should
> be that it's possible).

I don't get that from the passage quoted, at all, although it is somewhat
opaque.  It says that your __iter__() method must *return an object* with a
next() method; your __iter__() method below doesn't return such an object,
but instead returns a string.  It then says that *if* your class defines
next(), which yours doesn't, __iter__() can return self.

[spaces inserted; you should note that many newsreaders strip the TAB

> class R:
>   def __init__(self, d):
>     self.d=d
>     self.i=len(d)
>   def __iter__(self):
>     if self.i == 0:
>       raise StopIteration
>     self.i -= 1
>     return self.d[self.i]

Solution:  replace "__iter__" with "next" in the class definition above,
then add to the end:

   def __iter__(self):
     return self

I don't actually read my hotmail account, but you can replace hotmail with
excite if you really want to reach me.


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