I wrote:
>>> Also the difference of time is not much...
>>> How do we best optimize our task by using threads... please help...

Duncan Booth Wrote:
>The only times when it may result in a decrease
>in the running time... are when the time the task...when
> multiple CPU's are involved.
I fotgot to mention that I am running that script on a 4 node Open SSI
cluster with 8 processors to do the job...

> Unfortunately the latter case isn't handled well by Python
Very Strange!

> A good use of threads is to improve responsiveness of a system. For example
> if you ensure that GUI processing happens on a separate thread from some
> CPU intensive computation then you can ensure that the GUI remains
> responsive while the computation is running. It won't make the computation
> complete any faster (in fact it will probably be slower), but the user will
> remain happier. Similarly network applications are usually multi-threaded
> so that all requests get a fair chance to complete instead of having to
> wait for the slowest to complete before others can run.

So That means blindly using threads on any process won't help!

>probably have to look at multiple processes rather than
> multiple threads.

How do I do that??? Does that mean forking the processes or does that
mean to change the entire architecture to do small tasks in different

>Alternatively you could move parts of the processing out
> of the Python environment by rewriting inner loops in C

Any reference/documentation for that???

Thanks and Regards

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