Miki Tebeka wrote:
> Hello Maxim,
> > Are there widely used and recommended Python libraries that will
> > let me makes a portable text user interface?
> If you just need a text-like interface you can use Tkinter.
> See (shameless plug) http://developer.berlios.de/projects/bcd/ and
> http://developer.berlios.de/dbimage.php?id=1112 for example.

Hello Miki,

Your project looks very interesting. It would be better if it displayed
an error message if it can't find the '_bcdrc' file. If you run it from
windoze it just appears and disapears.

How about allowing the '_bcdrc' file to be in the same directory as the
script as well.

Any chance of you releasing the Tkinter text interface as a separate
library, with a less restrictive license ? It looks very good - but I
can't use it in my projects if it is GPL.



> If you need something that runs through telnet/ssh ... than curses is
> your looking for. There's a win32 port to it somewhere.
> Bye.
> --
> Miki Tebeka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://tebeka.bizhat.com
> The only difference between children and adults is the price of the


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