Cameron Laird wrote:
IMO, wxPython has a softert learning curve (specially if you use wxGlade), is portable between unix/windows/mac, with the advantage over Tkinter that it has a native look. Regarding documentation,. While people seem to mean a range of different things when they write, "Tkinter doesn't look 'native'", most of them are being addressed in revisions currently underway. In fact, new look- and-feel are available in early releases for those interested in experimentation.
Well, while on Windows "native" look exists, on X11 "native" has other meaning. On my wife's desktop it's KDE that is native, GNUStep is native on mine and I strongly object calling GTK "native", as one can read on SWT/Eclipse website. There's no "universally native" look on X11. Some toolkits look better, but this is a matter of personal taste, for software developer clean, stable API and suitable widgets are of much higher value.
-- Jarek Zgoda | --