In writing the next version of Jpype (Python to Java bridge), I have hot a rather unpleasant wall ... Hopefully it is I who is doing something wrong and i can be fixed ...

Since I am bridging Java classes and presenting them as Python classes, I decided to try to create a corresponding python class for every Jva classes accessed inside the python program. So far, everything is great .. until we get to exception handling.

Since I am creating classes, on the fly, I thought the easiest and most pythonic way to do it would be to create a metaclass. This is true also for the Java exception classes.

The problem arises when I try to raise one of those exception classes ... it sems Python will not allow classes that have a custom metaclass to be raised as exceptions! Even though those classes derive from Exception! To illustrate, try the following snippet :

class mc(type) :

class foo(Exception, object) :
    __metaclass__ = mc

try :
    raise foo, 'ex'
except Exception, ex :
    print ex.__class__, ex

Note the above code has nothing to do with JPype. When I try to run the above, I get the following error :

exceptions.TypeError exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not mc

Is there anything I can do to raise exception that have metaclasses? Maybe I can make my metaclass acceptable to "raise" somehow?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Steve --

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