M.E.Farmer wrote: > I think he is using an GUI editor wxGlade or BOA. > He has two problems he is trying to figure out wxPython > and he is trying to figure out his drag and drop editor. > On top of that he seems to be having a design problem. > I am gonna let him stew in it, it will be good for him ;) > He will get more out of it. > hint: SEARCH GOOGLE / READ DOCS / WRITE CODE > Ahh the joy of learning frameworks.(and GUI editors) > M.E.Farmer
No, 4 problems: """wxpython.org's onlinedocs are down right now so bear with me""" => hasn't downloaded the off-line docs. Typing in "wxlistbox" on the index tab of the win32 version of the off-line docs (wx.chm) takes one straight to: """wxListBox A listbox is used to select one or more of a list of strings. """ i.e. Steve Holden's point, that wxListBox seems an unlikely choice. I generally tend to agree with the "let him stew" but inevitably someone will answer the question with a level of tedious detail exceeded only by that of the manual for the Holy Grenade of Antioch, instead of showing/telling the newbies how to find their own answers. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list