Michael Hobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your proposition reminds me very much of Design by Contract, which is
> a prominent feature of the Eiffel programming language. Considering
> that Python is an interpreted language where type checking would
> naturally occur at runtime, I think Design by Contract would be more
> appropriate than static typing.

I entirely agree with this opinion.

> In a function's contract, not only could it state that its parameter
> must be an integer,

I'd like to be able to state something about the *INTERFACE* of the
parameter, to the rigorous exclusion of its *TYPE* (which is an
"implementation detail").  I doubt it's really feasible, but, in Haskell
terms, I'd love for such assertions to be always and necessarily about
_typeclasses_ rather than _types_...

> but also that it must be > 50 and be divisible by
> 7. If a value is passed to the function that violates the contract,
> it raises an exception.
> In Eiffel, contract checking can be turned on or off based on a 
> compiler flag or a runtime switch.

I've always liked the (theoretical) idea that assertions (including of
course contracts) could be used as axioms used to optimize generated
code, rather than (necessarily) as a runtime burden.  E.g. (and I don't
know of any implementation of this concept, mind you), inferring (e.g.
from such assertions) that x>=0, and that y<0, the compiler could simply
cut away a branch of dead code guarded by "if x<y:" (maybe with a
warning, in this case;-)...


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