As my earlier mail didn't make it because it had the heading
"LIST Addition compared", probably it was blocked by the mail server.
anyway heres it again.. Sorry for people reading it again. Its the same post.

Hi all
I have just wrote a small script to compare the speed of list addition methods.
heres what it looks like.
#compare the speeds of 3 different type of list element addition
import time
def method(TYPE):
   l1 = [];
   l2 = [];
   l3 = [];

   if TYPE == 1:
       finish = 0;
       start = 0;
       start = time.time();
       for y in range(0,3):
           for x in range(0,10000):
               l1 = l1 + [x];# type 1
           l1 = [];
           finish += time.time();
       averageFinish = finish/3;
       #m = float(finish-start);
       print "Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);

   if TYPE == 2:
       finish = 0;
       start = 0;
       start = time.time();
       for y in range(0,3):
           for x in range(0,10000):
               l2 = l2 + [x];# type 2
           l2 = [];
           finish += time.time();
       averageFinish = finish/3;
       #m = float(finish-start);
       print "Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);

   if TYPE == 3:
       finish = 0;
       start = 0;
       start = time.time();
       for y in range(0,3):
           for x in range(0,10000):
               l3 +=  [x];# type 3
           l3 = [];
           finish += time.time();
       averageFinish = finish/3;
       #m = float(finish-start);
       print "Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) -
%.10f" %(averageFinish-start);

print "@@@@@@@";
print "@@@@@@@";

So far i think it does good. Running it 3 times gives

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1560001373
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1619999409
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0106666088

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1610000134
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1253333092
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0156667233

Method 1 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1563334465
Method 2 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 1.1716668606
Method 3 done in (average finish time(out of 3)) - 0.0106668472

So i can assume that type 3 ( l3 += [x] ) addition is the fastest . Is
there anything i am doing wrong?? Also could this code be beautified
&& shortened??

Ishwor Gurung

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