In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >(I've said it before, and I'll say it again: native unicode and >generators are the only essential additions I've seen since 1.5.2, with >properties and sub-classable C types sharing a distant third place. >the rest of the stuff has had zero impact on my ability to write solid >code in no time at all, and negative impact on my ability to download >stuff that others have written and expect it to work in any Python >version but the latest...)
Hmmm... I find code much more readable and writable now that apply() is going away. And unless you mean "generator" to include iterators in general, I believe that iterators are another critical addition. I'm surprised that you don't include garbage collection and augmented assignment, though. String methods have been a net gain, I think. Reviewing the various What's New documents, it appears that we really have been holding the line since 2.2 on language changes. -- Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <*> "19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing." --Alan Perlis --