#- we do make
#- typos... and it's very disturbing to find your program crashing after
#- two weeks of operation, over a NameError... because a
#- certain branch in
#- your code, that was previously never taken, had finally been taken.
#- i've written several large-scale projects in python by
#- now... i find it
#- excellent for automated testing and other infrastructural
#- needs... but
#- mistyped variable-, function-, class-, and module- names been a PITA
#- for me ever since i've started to use python.
All the paths in your code should be tested by unittest *before* putting he software in production.
Actually, they should be tested *before* writing the code itself.
I'm a big -1 on including static definitions to prevent errors. The only advantage I see to them is to speed enhancements (a la Pyrex).
. Facundo
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