Fuzzyman wrote:
Steven Bethard wrote:

So, one of my really common use cases that takes advantage of the fact that default parameters are evaluated at function definition time:

def foo(bar, baz, matcher=re.compile(r'...')):
   text = matcher.sub(r'...', text)
Sure.. but you also gave an example of an alternative that was complex,

Interesting. I would have thought that my example was pretty simple. Maybe it would be helpful to generalize it to:

def foo(bar, baz, spam=badger(x, y, z)):

All it does is use a default value that was produced by a function call. I'm surprised you haven't run into this situation before...

Of course, what is complex or simple is a matter of personal opinion. I use this pattern so often that it's quite simple to me, but I guess I can understand that if you don't use such a pattern, it might seem foreign to you.


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