(This is really for Hamish Sanderson, I think, but I can't find an e-mail address for him.)

On OS X 10.3.7, with XCode 1.5 and all the latest AppScript packages installed, writing this:

 a = appscript.app( 'XCode.app' )

causes a crash in terminology.py:

/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages/appscript/terminology.py in parse(self, path)
102 osat.parse(path, self)
103 for code in self._elements.values():
--> 104 name = self._pluralClassNames.get(code, self._singularClassNames[code])
105 self.referencebycode[code] = (kElement, name)
106 self.referencebyname[name] = (kElement, code)

KeyError: '****'

code is a FourCC identifying some part of XCode's script interface. You would imagine that every such part would have either a plural name or a singular name, but in this case somehow the FourCC '****' has ended up in self._elements and it has neither. Any idea how that might arise? I didn't investigate the origins of the FourCC, which looks like a placeholder or error.

If you change the marked line (104) to read:

name = self._pluralClassNames.get(code, self._singularClassNames.get(code, '____'+code))

then the rest of the terminology seems to run fine, and you just end up with one bogus entry called '____****' in the app's attributes.



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