On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 21:42:16 GMT, Steven Bethard
> Ishwor wrote:
> > i am trying to remove an item 'e' from the list l
> I thought it might be helpful to code some of the alternatives you've
> been given and look at the timings to put things into perspective.  The
> code:
> -------------------- remove.py --------------------
> def remove_lc(x, lst):
>     lst[:] = [item for item in lst if item != x]
> def remove_list(x, lst):
>     result = []
>     for item in lst:
>         if item != x:
>             result.append(item)
>     lst[:] = result
> def remove_filter(x, lst):
>     lst[:] = filter(lambda item: item != x, lst)
> def remove_xrange(x, lst):
>     for i in xrange(len(lst)-1, -1, -1):
>         if lst[i] == x:
>             del lst[i]
> def remove_remove(x, lst):
>     while x in lst:
>         lst.remove(x)
> def remove_try(x, lst):
>     try:
>         while True:
>             lst.remove(x)
>     except ValueError:
>         pass
> def remove_ishwor(x, lst):
>     for item in lst[:]:
>         if item == x:
>             lst.remove(x);
> --------------------------------------------------
> First, some timings when only 1 out of every 1000 elements needs to be
> removed.  Timings were taken with Python 2.4 on a 2.26 Ghz Windows box
> using:
>     $ python -m timeit -s "import remove; lst = [x % 1000 for x in
> xrange(10000)]" "remove.remove_<name>(500, lst)"
> remove_remove:  516 usec per loop
> remove_try:     604 usec per loop
> remove_ishwor: 1.61 msec per loop
> remove_xrange: 2.29 msec per loop
> remove_lc:     2.37 msec per loop
> remove_list:   5.3  msec per loop
> remove_filter: 5.65 msec per loop
> Now, some timings when 1 out of every 10 elements needs to be removed.
> Timings were taken using:
>     $ python -m timeit -s "import remove; lst = [x % 10 for x in
> xrange(10000)]" "remove.remove_<name>(5, lst)"
> remove_lc:      2.03 msec per loop
> remove_xrange:  2.08 msec per loop
> remove_list:    4.72 msec per loop
> remove_filter:  5.17 msec per loop
> remove_try:    30.7  msec per loop
> remove_ishwor: 31.5  msec per loop
> remove_remove: 60.2  msec per loop
> The moral of the story here is that, if the items to be removed only
> make up a very small percentage of the list, an approach like
> remove_remove or remove_try might be okay.  On the other hand, if you
> expect the items to be removed will make up even a moderate percentage
> of the list (e.g. 10%), then remove_lc or remove_xrange is a vastly
> better alternative.
> Steve
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
umm... looks good.. i am running these task sets on my box as well
slightly slower than yours 2.4Ghz... thanx Steve. :-) now i'll sit
back and dwell a bit deeper into it now.

Ishwor Gurung

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