On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 19:56:30 GMT, Andrew Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Are there widely used and recommended Python libraries that will let me > > 1) Interpret and generate MIDI messages easily? > > 2) Allow me to select and communicate with MIDI devices attached to my > computer?
I can share the results of my research on the same topic, done August this year; a little bit old but not terribly outdated. (Sorry, it's not in depth, but it may be helpful): My own notes on the topic: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com/2004/08/implementing-real-time-midi-playback.html http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com/2004/08/guitar-midi-simulator.html Some libraries that I have evaluated: midipy http://www.josos.org/midipy/ Real time midi playback module. Not actively maintaned, but works. MIDI Stream API http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/stream.htm That's the best site for MIDI information that I could found. It explains the WinAPI, and talks a lot about details of the API, and to use it. Good reading. I don't have the pointers here with me, but you can find more info on the c.l.py archives: someone posted recently (at least twice this semester) an annoucement for a Python MIDI library that could read and write standard MIDI files. Also, there is a Python program that simulates a band (a la "Band in a Box", you select the rythym & harmony sequence and it generates drums, bass line, and accompaniment). It's a cmd line tool, which means that it's probably easier to integrate or reuse the code for other purposes. BTW I followed another thread where you talk about the TI99, so I think I know what are you want to do :-). I had a similar motivation, but in my case, I started to write a guitar player simulator; it would simulate the timing of a rythym guitar as the right hand strum the strings. I would like to avoid the weird "piano with guitar sound" that happens when you simply play a chord, with all strings being strum at the same time. It's stopped now, but I keep promising that I'll finish it as soon as I can. -- Carlos Ribeiro Consultoria em Projetos blog: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com blog: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list