On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:15:40 GMT, Keith Dart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mike Meyer wrote:
The termios gives module gives you the tools to manipulate the tty directly, without invoking stty. The tty module gives you an easier interface to those routines. However, it's missing a setsane functions. Hmm. I think it's time for another PEP.
In the pyNMS package (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pynms/) there is a module called "termtools". This module can be used in place of the "tty" module. It has many improvements, including a "sane" function, a "raw" function, and an "stty" function. This module also replaces the "getpass" module, as it has the same functions found there. The PagedIO object is used by the CLI framework in pyNMS.
I found this:
But I don't see a function named "sane". Is sf cvs out of date? If so, where should I be looking?
Yes, sorry, the CVS is very out of date. Please get the tarball (I just today put up a new one with the "sane" function in termtools).
I am coverting it all to subversion, and will make pyNMS publicly available through that means when it's ready.
Thanks for looking, Keith
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