Scott David Daniels wrote: > And if you enjoy building insecure stuff, try: > > def fix(text, globals_=None, locals=None, quote='"'): > d = (globals_ or locals or globals()).copy() > source = text.split(quote) > source[1::2] = (str(eval(expr, d, locals or d)) > for expr in source[1::2]) > return ''.join(source) > > > amount = 1 > cost = 2.0 > what = 'potato' > print fix("""I'll have "amount" "what"s > for "'$%.2f' % cost"s please""", locals())
And if you prefer not to type so much: def I(*args): return "".join(map(str, args)) def F(v, fmt): return ("%" + fmt) % v print I("I'll have ", amount, " ", what, "s for $", F(cost, ".2f"), "s please") </F> --