Yeah, you're right.  I got it all twisted in my mind.  It's late and I must 
be getting tired.



"Brian Beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Dan Perl wrote:
>> Is there a way to convert a regular string to a raw string so that one 
>> could get from '\bblah' to r'\bblah' other than parsing the string and 
>> modifying the escapes?
> There's no such thing as a raw string, only raw string literals. In other 
> words, it's a syntax to tell the Python interpreter which characters in 
> your string are 'special' and has no effect on strings not input as 
> literals directly within your code.  Strings from files or any input 
> besides the interactive Python shell will already be what you're looking 
> for.
> -- 
> Brian Beck
> Adventurer of the First Order 


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