Hi - Yah, this is a ticklish subject... personally I never have thought PythonWin to be stable enough for larger projects, though I'm certain this has something to do with the way our IT folks see fit to set up our workstations (no I cannot modify the configs). It's quite nice for basic things, though. Also, while I am forced to use Win32 at work, I really prefer to use Linux and MacOSX. Thus, for me the cross platform concept is mandatory as I would prefer to learn only one editor.
I tried Eclipse, really I did, and think it's a great product - - for Java. That may change in the future but for me it's not something I am comfortable using - - for Python. That and the fact that my work machine is not too powerful all but rules out using Java. Yes, it works, though very slowly..... I personally don't have the money for a commercially licensed product, and quite honestly don't see an immediate need for one. For me, what I need is something that can address my _coding_ needs, such as calltips, auto-indent and the like, not _project_ needs. Some folks need this level of functionality, I don't... I've used SPE (http://spe.pycs.net/) and found it to be quite wonderful but also a bit touchy, though not quite as much as PythonWin. I should note I haven't used it in a while so it may be just the thing to now use. In fact I'm gonna give it a whirl sometime soon because of the GUI design components. What I am using right now, quite happily, is SciTE (http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/SciTE.html), a cross-platform GTK editor basied on Scintilla that I have found strikes a good balance of features vs necessary resources. For example, what it offers is this: 1) A free editor with syntax highlighting for many many languages and 'gotta have' features such as indents, folding and the like 2) Calltips that work _on all platforms_. Some are downloadable from the site, though for Python, you need to use the script at this location (http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/gen_python_api.zip) - be sure to read the first portion of the script as it has notes on what to do to activate the calltips in the editor. 3) About a bazillion other things that can be tweaked, with config files that can be copied between work machines. 4) Global as well as local config files for those with specific needs. Anyway, I think SciTE offers a good mix of features - what it doesn't have (e.g., printing) it has alternate solutions for (e.g., exporting in html, pdf, etc). With regard to printing, I've found that when I do need to print I like having the exported files around anyway. Good luck!! Tom Fillmore blustery southern California -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list