Peter Otten wrote:

May you could give us an idea of the current state of basic affairs then by
translating the following example snippet:

yes you can do it in VB6, but pythons lists and dictionarys are superior to those built in in VB and I think to those in most other languages.

It's me wrote:

I saw this code from an earlier post:

lst1 = ["ab", "ac", "ba", "bb", "bc"]
lst2 = ["ac", "ab", "bd", "cb", "bb"]
dct1 = dict.fromkeys(lst1)
print [x for x in lst1 if x not in dct1]
print [x for x in lst1 if x in dct1]

I think line3 should be

>>dct1 = dict.fromkeys(lst2)


VB6 Code:

Sub xy()

Dim lst1 As New Collection
Dim lst2 As New Collection

lst1.Add "ab", "ab": lst1.Add "ac", "ac": lst1.Add "ba", "ba": lst1.Add "bb", "bb": lst1.Add "bc", "bc"
lst2.Add "ac", "ac": lst2.Add "ab", "ab": lst2.Add "bd", "bd": lst2.Add "cb", "cb": lst2.Add "bb", "bb"

For Each item In lst1
  If ColHasKey(lst2, item) Then Debug.Print "in:" & item

For Each item In lst1
  If Not ColHasKey(lst2, item) Then Debug.Print "not in:" & item

End Sub

Function ColHasKey(col As Collection, item) As Boolean On Error GoTo er A = col(item) ColHasKey = True Exit Function er: If Err.Number = 5 Then ColHasKey = False Else Err.Raise Err.Number End If End Function --

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