Martijn Faassen wrote:

Peter Hansen wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Peter Hansen wrote:

Well, in any case, thanks for setting the record straight, Martjin.

That of course also happens to me once every while. I can take care of myself though -- Dijkstra however needs an advocate for the correct spelling of his name in this earthly realm.

Then there's us Danes, with "sen" instead of "son" (as many people think it ought to be). And I can't even claim the wrong form sounds noticably different, making any defense seem petty.

Obviously -sen is the only real suffix, as it's -sen in Dutch as well, as in Faas-sen. :)

(Darn those Norwegians, influencing people's ideas of how a
name like Hansen ought to be spelled, grumble, grumble.
If they'd just invent a cell phone that used Python, as the
Swedish have, they might deserve all that extra attention.)


That's not the Swedes, it's the Finnish that did that. They typically don't like being mistaken for Swedes. :)

That's because their language is derived from Serbo-Croat. But both the Finns and the Swedes will tell you it's the Norwegians who are alcoholics. They're all dreadful liars, these Scandinavians ;-)

Steve Holden     
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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