Rahul wrote:
I just wanted to know why arrays have not been included as a builtin
datatype like lists or dictionaries? The numpy extension shows that it
can be implemented. then why not include arrays in core python?

As Gerhard mentioned, the standard library module 'array' can be used for data-type specific one-dimensional arrays.

For more complex (i.e. multi-dimensional) arrays - the general answer is "get numpy". I'm not aware of the actual reasons why numpy is not included in the standard library, but some possible reasons would be:

- size (increase the base Python download too much)
- portability (less portable than the core interpreter)
- stability (the numpy folks aren't yet prepared to commit to the backwards compatibility issues associated with being part of the standard library)
- logistics (merging numpy into Python is likely to be a pain)


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

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