[Peter Hansen]
| Richie Hindle wrote:
| > [Greg]
| > 
| >>>>import win32api
| >>>>print "Uptime:", win32api.GetTickCount(), "Milliseconds"
| > 
| > Note that in the unlikely event of your Windows machine being up for
| > longer than 2^32 ms (about 49 days), GetTickCount() will 
| wrap back to
| > zero.
| The real solution, in spite of the dozen alternatives we've
| now produced, seems to be to use the win32pdh library
| to access the "System"-> "System Up Time" value.

To add my twopence-ha'penny worth in, the recommended WMI
technique is (apparently) to use the 
Win32_OperatingSystem.LastBootUpTime value:

import wmi
for i in wmi.WMI ().Win32_OperatingSystem ():
  print i.LastBootUpTime

The time format is 20041202112313 with some --
apparently unused -- sub-seconds, so you'd have
to faff about a bit with the numbers, but it is
at least usable.


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