> Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations, > I > thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a > snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english > hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a > holy grail heh. > > But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.
But surely only you and I and the other Pythonistas will recognize a Norwegian Blue when we see one. Might be hard to get away from the snake, as was noted, its a level or two easier mental association than MP. Logo? Maybe a Norweigian Blue on is back, one fut in e air, wit a snake ead off to is ide, grinningly wit a char-grin? es not dead! Eric Pederson ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: domainNot="@something.com" domainIs=domainNot.replace("s","z") ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"]) mailMeAt=ePrefix+domainIs ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list