Jive wrote:
Either VS.NET 2003 or VC++ .NET 2003 should do (although I don't know
anybody who owns the latter to be sure). The core issue is that it needs
a "native" C++ compiler (ie. not just managed C++), and that it needs

Sorry if I'm being dense. If I had that DLL, why couldn't I use VC++ 6.0?

Sorry for being imprecise. You don't need just msvcr71.dll, you need an import library for it, and you need to cause link.exe to use that import library. VC6 will continue to link your extension modules with msvcrt40.dll - regardless of what other DLLs you have on your system.

It might be that you also need the header files for msvcr71.dll,
although I believe you could get away with using the "wrong" (i.e.
VC6) header files.


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