On Friday 03 December 2004 21:42, cm012b5105 wrote:
> Hello i want to put an interactive text programme in to a graphical box
> this is a small section of my text programme
> s = raw_input ("Hello whats your name? ")
> if s=='melvyn':
>     print "your my boss's Dad the one they call in indian language DEEP
> if s=='carol':
>     print "ahhh you are my boss's mom the one they call WREATH WOMAN"
> if s=='rebecca':
>     print "you must be the FLORIST WOMAN"
> if s=='gareth':
>     print "you must be the one they call the TRUCKER"
> if s=='carmel':
>     print "you must be my boss's wife"
> s = raw_input ("what do you do for a living? ")
> print "Ahh thats easy you dont do much then",s,"my boss is a Truck driver."
> these are the instructions for a graphical boxfrom Tkinter import *
> root = Tk()
> cv = Canvas(root, width=400, height=300, bg="blue")
> cv.pack()
> cv.create_rectangle(50,30,320,290,outline="yellow",fill="red",width=10)
> mainloop()
> any way what i would like to do is create a programme that would run my
> text programme from this graphical box i tried to add the code for the box
> to the top of my text programme but when i run it i get the graphical box
> come up and my text   programme will not work untill i kill the box. i
> would be graet full if some body can help me acheive this.
> thanks nige

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