def RAZVarAnimesDuJour(self,oSortiesAnimeTitreLabel): for i in xrange(len(oSortiesAnimeTitreLabel)): del oSortiesAnimeTitreLabel[i]
it doesn't emty my var (i don't want to destroy the var, just make it like if it just have been created
Other posts are missing the point somewhat, I think. While they do recommend better ways of doing what you want to do, they don't say why your function doesn't work.
What exactly happens when you execute your code? When I try it, I get an exception:
>>> alist = range(5) >>> def a(alist): for i in xrange(len(alist)): del alist[i]
>>> a(alist)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#22>", line 1, in -toplevel- a(alist) File "<pyshell#21>", line 3, in a del alist[i] IndexError: list assignment index out of range
What happens is this: the first time, the first element is deleted. This causes all other elements to shift: the second element becomes the first one, the third becomes the second, and so on. Or:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 becomes 1, 2, 3, 4
The list gets shorter each time. But you're still looping over the whole length of the list, which means after some time you're accessing elements that no longer exist.
One way to solve it is to loop backwards: first delete the last element, than the next to last, etc.
Apart from that, it's much easier and clearer to reset the list with just
alist = []
-- "Codito ergo sum" Roel Schroeven --