Will McGugan wrote:
I'm trying to send an e-mail through outlook. So far I've gotten it
to work with the mail script at
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/149461 My
only problem is that when I call Resolve() and Send(), I get
confirmation dialogs. I will be sending out quite a few e-mails at a
time, and would rather not have the user have to click yes for every
single one. Does anyone know a workaround? I know about smtplib, but
I would prefer to simply make what I have work. Thanks.
Alas, I dont think that there is much you can do to prevent the
confirmation dialogs with Outlook's MAPI dll. MS added them in a service
pack as an anti-virus measure, so no work-around. Not all clients show
these anoying dialogs though. Thunderbird definately doesn't.
Unfortunately, I don't have the option of installing Thunderbird.