george young wrote:
[python 2.3.3, x86 linux]
I recently found myself writing something like:

def get_connection():
    if tcp_conn():
        if server_allows_conn():
            return 'good_conn'
            return 'bad_auth'
        return 'no_server'

cn = get_connection() if cn == 'good_con': ...

This is obviously just evil, since a misspelling in the string return is treacherous. I'm considering function attributes:

def get_connection():
    if tcp_conn():
        if server_allows_conn():
            return get_connection.GOOD
            return get_connection.BAD_AUTH
        return get_connection.NO_SERVER
get_connection.GOOD = 1
get_connection.BAD_AUTH = 2
get_connection.NO_SERVER = 3

If I put this function in it's own module, the solution is obvious:

def get_connection():
return GOOD_CONN

But if this is a small utility function that belongs inside a larger module/class, I would like to have it's return values closely associated with the function, not just another value in the parent class.

Sorry, I also meant to add that the other obvious way of dealing with this kind of thing is to make the results keyword parameters:

def get_connection(GOOD=1, BAD_AUTH=2, NO_SERVER=3):
    if tcp_conn():
        if server_allows_conn():
            return GOOD
            return BAD_AUTH
        return NO_SERVER

This has the benefit that if your user wants different return values they can specify them, but the disadvantage that someone improperly calling the function with more than 0 parameters will get, instead of an error message, a strange return value.


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