Cross-posted here to encourage comments/discussion. I know there's a big feature or two I'm missing out on ;) Suggestions welcome.
Tibia is an in-browser editor for web pages. It allows you to quickly and easily modify the content of your web pages. It allows you to directly view, edit, and save files on your webserver. It also allows you to upload files from your local filesystem to your webserver, and then edit those documents. It also allows you to grab web pages from other websites and save them on your server, and then edit _those_. Stick the single tibia.tba file on your webserver (assuming Python is installed) and you're off and editing files in the same folder or below. Admins can edit any element; non-admins can edit any element for which admins give them permission. You should probably have IE6 or Firefox; IE has limitations. If you want to test it with another recent browser (it's all DOM-based), feel free and let me know what breaks: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ditto for other webserver/OS/Python versions. You can also fill out complete bug reports or feature requests at Tibia is public domain. Download: Subversion: svn:// Help: Demo: Log in as an admin with iwethey/yammer. Log in as a guest with guest/guest. Please don't break my little home webserver ;) Robert Brewer MIS Amor Ministries [EMAIL PROTECTED] --