Fernando Perez wrote:
classes which implement slicing must now do runtime type-checking inside

Just in case you thought that they wouldn't have to do runtime type-checking otherwise:

>>> class C(object):
...     def __getitem__(self, x):
...         print type(x), x
>>> c = C()
>>> c[1]
<type 'int'> 1
>>> c[1:2]
<type 'slice'> slice(1, 2, None)
>>> c[1:2:-1]
<type 'slice'> slice(1, 2, -1)
>>> c[1,2]
<type 'tuple'> (1, 2)
>>> c[1,2:3]
<type 'tuple'> (1, slice(2, 3, None))
>>> c['1']
<type 'str'> 1
>>> c[[]]
<type 'list'> []

You can put just about anything in a __getitem__ call. Do you really want a method for each of the variants above?


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