Wow, good advice. One question, how is the generator class implemented so that if assigned to a tuple/list, it knows what to do? Is it possible to overload the assignment operator kinda like in C++?
Tuple unpacking works with generators because generators implement the iterator protocol. Any object that implements the iterator protocol can be used in tuple unpacking:
>>> class I(object): ... def __init__(self, n): ... self.n = n ... self.i = -1 ... def next(self): ... self.i += 1 ... if self.i == self.n: ... raise StopIteration ... return self.i ... def __iter__(self): ... return self ... >>> x, y, z = I(3) >>> x, y, z (0, 1, 2)
So you're not really overloading the assignment operator; you're taking advantage of something the assignment operator already does.
Steve --