Jonathan Ellis wrote:
Riko Wichmann wrote:

When I use opera to access this page by hand and look at the sources,


see the full sources when letting opera identify itself as MSIE 6.0.
When using Mozilla 5.0 I get the same in-complete source file as with


Sounds like your first step should be to identify yourself as IE.

opener = urllib2.build_opener(...)
opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", "whatever IE calls itself these


Tried that already. At least, I hope I guessed at least one of the possible identifiers correct: MSIE6.0, MSIE 6.0, MSIE/6.0
Unfortunately no different. I also tried to define my cookiejar as a MSIE cookiejar. However, since I'm working under Linux, I'm not sure that even works, even though there was no complain:

import ClientCookie, urllib

cj = ClientCookie.MSIECookieJar()

self.opener = ClientCookie.build_opener(ClientCookie.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
self.opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'MSIE6.0')]
# set login parametes ...
parameters = urllib.urlencode({"~login" : "XX", "~password" : "XX"})

        f ='https:myhost', parameters)


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