Title: PyAr - Python Argentina 4th Meeting, Thursday, December 9th

The Argentinian Python User Group, PyAr, will have its next
meeting this Thursday, December 9th at 8.30pm. Please see
http://pyar.decode.com.ar/Members/pziliani/event.diciembre for
details (in Spanish.)


Despite our agenda tends to be rather open, this time we would
like to cover these topics:

- Website organization & content
- Means of promoting the group's activities, in order to increase
  our member base.
- Planning of our first sprint.


We're meeting at Hip Hop Bar, Hipólito Yirigoyen 640, Ciudad de Buenos
Aires, starting at 8.30pm. We use to get together early, but this month
the starting time has been postponed for reasons beyond our control.

About PyAr

For more information on PyAr see http://pyar.decode.com.ar (in Spanish),
or join our mailing list (Also in Spanish. For instructions see

We meet on the second Thursday of every month.

.       Facundo


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