Daniel Dittmar wrote:
Robin Becker wrote:

Does anyone know if it is feasible to have static libraries for both 2.3 and 2.4 compatible extensions. I'm worrying about libjpeg etc in a win32 environment.

Could you be a bit more specific:

do you want to create a binary python extension that is compatible with both Python 2.3 and Python 2.4.

not this one

Or do you want to create a static lib containing both the original C lib and the code for your extension? This Lib should then be linked with the proper python2*.lib to create a version specific binary extension.

not this one either

Or something else?

actually I want to build the PIL extension for 2.4 as pyd and include various libraries eg zlib and jpeg. To avoid the missing dlls issue we have done this in the past by incorporating the zlib/jpeg code using static libraries for both zlib and jpeg.

It seems I can use the static lib built with MSC 6 with the extension code compiled with MSC 7.1. At least the extnsion build doesn't complain. Whether this is really allowed is another matter.

Robin Becker


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