I'm stuck in the end of my source code. I'm trying to print all the numbers. How can I print all the list of numbers that I selected? 
Source code:

# compute the Mean, Median & Mode of a list of numbers:

sum = 0.0

print 'This program will take several numbers then average them'
count = input(' How many numbers would you like to sum: ')
current_count = 0
freq = {}
freq [current_count] = number

while current_count < count:
    current_count = current_count + 1
    number = input ('Enter a number: ')
    print "Number", current_count,":",number
    sum = sum + number
print " [x,...,x] ?"
This program will take several numbers then average them
number 1:  2
number  2:  3
number  3:  4
number  4:  2
How can I print: [2,3,4,2]?
Greatly appreciates!
 _ _
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Alfred Canoy
Agana, Guam
Pacific time

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