Hi,all I'm scripting flashget (A download management tool, http://www.amazesoft.com/) using python win32 extension, opening a downloading dialog. The following pythong code NOT work: ====CODE BEGIN==== #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import win32com.client flashget = win32com.client.Dispatch('JetCar.Netscape') params = ('http://test.com/1', 'http://test.com/2', 'http://test.com/3', 'http://test.com/4', 'http://test.com/5') flashget.AddUrlList(params) ====CODE END==== It complaints the following: File "<COMObject JetCar.Netscape>", line 2, in AddUrlList pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2146828283), None) But the following VBS code does the tricky: ====CODE BEGIN==== Dim params(4) set flashget=CreateObject("JetCar.Netscape") params(0) = "http://test.com/1" params(1) = "http://test.com/2" params(2) = "http://test.com/3" params(3) = "http://test.com/4" params(4) = "http://test.com/5" flashget.AddUrlList params ====CODE END==== Any hints? -- Best Regards, Wang Kebo http://www.huihoo.org/~mep -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list