HELP ME PLEASE!! I can't get the ball to go up right side and then I need it to turn around and keep turning until velocity=0 I have been at it for the past 2 weeks now i give up and call for help. Please if anyone can gide me through i will be so grateful!! I have pasted my code below
from cmath import * from visual import * floor1 = box(length=10, height=0.5, width=4, floor1.pos = (-6,4,0) floor1.axis= (5,-5,0) floor2 = box(length=10, height=0.5, width=4, floor2.pos = (6,4,0) floor2.axis= (-5,-5,0) floor3 = box(length=7, height=0.5, width=4, floor3.pos = (0,1.25,0) ball= sphere(radius=0.5, ball.pos=(-8.6,7.5,0) m=3. #kg angle=asin(3.6/5.)#radians g=-9.8 mu=.2 N=m*g*cos(angle) F=m*g*sin(angle) f=mu*N lax=(-N*sin(angle)+f*cos(angle))/m lay=(-N*cos(angle)-f*sin(angle)+m*g)/m rax=(+N*sin(angle)+f*cos(angle))/m ray=(-N*cos(angle)-f*sin(angle)+m*g)/m ds=0.01 dt=0.01 vx=lax*dt vy=lay*dt ball.velocity=vector(vx,vy,0) #print a while 1: rate(100) ball.velocity.x=ball.velocity.x+lax*dt ball.velocity.y=ball.velocity.y+lay*dt ball.pos=ball.pos+ball.velocity*dt if ball.x>-3.5 and ball.x<=3.5: vx=sqrt(2*(-g*ball.y+0.5*(vx**2+vy**2)-f*ds)) ball.velocity.x=ball.velocity.x+mu*g*dt ball.velocity.y=0 ball.pos=ball.pos+ball.velocity*dt if ball.x>3.5 and ball.x<8.6: vx=vx*cos(angle) vy=sqrt(2/m*(m*-g*ball.y-f*ds)) #print vy vy=vy*sin(angle) #print vy ball.velocity.x=ball.velocity.x+rax*dt ball.velocity.y=ball.velocity.y+ray*dt ball.pos=ball.pos+ball.velocity*dt #print ball.pos --